After a wait of almost two years, I finally had a copy of the newest Final Fantasy game in my hands! I raced home and popped Disc One into my Playstation, not realizing that a major shock was in store for me. Call me a wimp if you will, but this game was exhausting to play. I actually had to start it a second time before I was able to finish it! When the last battle was finally over, I breathed several sighs of relief.

Problem Number One: The Guardian System. I find it extremely complicated.
The dependence each character has for their Guardians really offends me. In this game, leveling up characters doesn't amount to much; it's the Guardians that you have to make stronger. (Or else!) The best Guardians aren't available until the game is almost over. Some have to be drawn from a Boss while others have to be fought before they'll "join" you. The first time I played the game, I forgot to draw Siren and Pandemona, which proved to be a real handicap.
The Guardian animations are another sore spot with me. Some of them are so long that a single battle can take several minutes! I've always sought to end battles as soon as possible, but that doesn't happen too often in this game, especially early on.

Problem Number Two: The Story. It wasn't until after the battle with Ultimecia that I figured it out. (Well, at least I think I did.)
It's evidently the time distortion that accounts for the many coincidences in the game. Before the final battle, I was really disgusted by the revelation that Sorceress Edea is not only Headmaster's Cid's wife, but also the Matron of the orphanage where our courageous characters coincidentally grew up. I still think it's too convenient that the Guardians made everyone forget that they spent at least part of their childhoods together.
It appears that Ellone sent Squall and the others into the past for her own personal reasons. That's fine, but I think she could have at least told Squall who the men in the flashbacks were. (Oh, drat. That would've spoiled all of those blatant clues about who Squall's father is, right?)

Problem Number Three: The relationship between Squall and Laguna.
I strongly disagree with what Ward 'said'; Squall does indeed look like his father. I discovered this early in the game by comparing Squall and Laguna's portraits in the Save screen. (Look closely at the images here, and you'll see what I mean.)
The clues about Squall's parentage are so evident that I suppose the game-makers didn't think we really need to be told the truth. There's nothing to be done about it, but it stills irks me to no end that the matter is left dangling in the air. "Let's talk when it's all done," Laguna says to Squall. Do we see this conversation? Or find out how Squall feels about the boldy hinted fact that the "silly Galbadian soldier" is actually his father? No!

Another problem I have is this: What the hell was Squall doing in an orphanage? Just how did he get there?
There's a scene where Laguna is talking to Matron (I realize this happened before Squall's birth, but it doesn't matter...They still knew one another!), so doesn't it seem likely that he knew about Squall? President Laguna tells Squall about Ellone being on the White SeeD Ship. He's aware of Raine's death, but doesn't it make sense that he also knows the reason why she died?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I played the game twice and still saw the same thing: President Laguna Loire lived a life of luxury in Esthar's Presidential Palace while his son was raised in an orphanage. This revelation destroyed every bit of sympathy I had for Laguna (and increased my sympathy for Squall!) I want to cry every time I see the scene where the young Squall is standing outside the orphanage, saying that he's alone. (Sniff!)

All right! I'm done griping. Now for what I like about Final Fantasy VIII.

Triple Triad, the cool card-playing mini-game, is a real challenge. I managed to win the entire deck, despite the rule handicaps. (Patience and fortitude!) I lost track of how many times I had to reset the game in order to win all of the one-of-a-kind cards. For example: I tried to win the Alexander card from Piet while on the space-station, but he kept beating the crap out of me. Frustrated as hell, I gave up. I tried again after returning to the planet and guess what? I won Alexander on the first try!
The Triple Triad theme song, "Shuffle or Boogie," is my favorite music from the game.

The Ragnarok is so much fun to fly. I like it a lot more than the mobile Garden.

Of all the characters in FFVIII, Quistis Trepe is my absolute favorite. She's a cool, dignified lady with a lot of class, and, boy, does she crack a mean whip!
I'm thrilled that she's got a collection of groupies who are simply crazy about her.
I think she's a much better love interest for Squall. There's a brief hint that she's interested in him, but it quickly disappears. (Big sister? Yeah, right!) Unlike Cloud, poor Squall doesn't get a choice of women. Outta the way, Quistis! Here comes Rinoa!

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